Horsley Churchyard 2013

Horsley Churchyard 2013
Iron Crosses amongst the stone in St. Martins Churchyard, Horsley, Gloucestershire, England

Highland Cemetery, Marcellus, New York, USA

On my recent tour of New York State, I didn't have time to visit the graveyard in Marcellus, but fortunately, cousin Michael did.

He very kindly sent me the following photographs of Hyatt graves in Highland Cemetery, Marcellus and I can now share them with you.

Thanks Michael.

Frederick Hyatt 1863 - 1926

Marion (Miller) Hyatt 1909 - 1963

Francis B Hyatt 1909 - 1983 and Marion (Miller) Hyatt 1909 - 1963

Francis B Hyatt 1909 - 1983

Vernon M Hyatt 1906 - 1994 and Doric C (Ditch) Hyatt 1907 - 1997

William J Hyatt 1875 - 1939

Anna (Betts) Hyatt 1878 - 1942

Frank E Hyatt 1872 - 1953

Frank E Hyatt 1872 - 1953

Anna (Betts) Hyatt 1872 - 1942

Arthur W Hyatt 1904 - 1999 and Dorothy (Turner) Hyatt 1906 - 1994

Elizabeth (Burbridge) Hyatt 1880 - 1962

Please note that the photos are not in any particular order. They are beautifully crisp stones which are easy to read but what a pity there isn't just s litte more detail. The maiden names of wives is so useful, as are the exact dates of birth and death.

How ungrateful do I sound! Will I never be satisfied?

Please feel free to add any of this missing information if you know it!!



Pegmaniac said...


Gravedigger said...

Thank you pegmaniac. That was very useful.
Your blogspot is interesting too.